
What is Viewer's Views?

Viewer's Views is where PlayTV viewers post their thoughts on PlayTV. You can post artwork, text or even video. For example, if you have a made a video of some PlayTV puzzles, post it here, or even if you just want to rant about the show, post it here.

How do I post my Views?

It's simple, just type in the text box below and include your e-mail and the name you would like to appear on the site. If you want to post an image, just post the link or include the word IMAGE and we will get back to you and you can send us the image via e-mail. Now click SEND. Your views will be on the site in a matter of hours!
What do you think of the new look for the site? Did you prefer the old one?

Submit your Views!

Offensive language will be censored, i.e. letters will be replaced with stars. Offensive names will not be posted. If an offensive name is recieved we will replace it with ANONYMOUS. Thank you for your co-operation.