An example of an advertisement

Why Advertise?

PlayTV Ireland is a great place to advertise for the following reasons:
-An average of 300 visitors per day, peaking at 1100!
-An audience who all watch TV.
-An audience who know what the like and aren't afriad to say what that is.

How Much does it cost?

The rates are very reasonable, each advert you have on the site only costs €8 per month, excluding the home page.
You can have as many adverts as you want, with up to 2 on each page. The cost for advertising on the homepage is €15 per month. 
This is €14 per month if you have at least 4 other adverts on the site. 

What size can my adverts be?

Your adverts can be any size up 600x75 pixels. This means the maximium it can be is 75pixels high and 600pixels long. You can have any size in between these. We can also make the advert for you for if you want.


If you would like to advertise or just want more information, please don't hesitate to contact us using the form below. We look forward to working with you.

Interested in Advertising? Contact Us.

OUR APOLOGIES: For anyone who has contacted us regarding advertising, please excuse not replying to you. We have been unable to receive any queries that were sent from the ADVERTISE page. We can now receive them, please feel free to contact us again. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.